Managing i-cases
This topic describes how to create, edit and delete i-cases (intercept cases) using the Sentinel i-cases screen. Note, you can also manage i-cases using the Phone numbers tab on the People and devices screen, and the View i-cases screen. If you prefer to use the View i-cases screen then refer to Managing i-cases using the View i-cases screen for further information.
This feature requires option E14 Sentinel. If you do not have this option this feature is not available.
If you require an overview of the use of i-cases or a detailed description of the settings refer to Sentinel i-cases screen.
For the case you want to add an i-case to, open the Manage case screen.
Need help finding your case?On the main menu click View cases. The screen that opens depends on your setting of View cases. If it is set to:
- Advanced view, then the Advanced view cases screen opens.
- If your case is listed on the Favorite & recent cases tab, click the case name to open the Manage case screen.
- If it is not listed on the Favorite & recent cases tab, then click the Cases tab. Use the search filters to help locate your case. You can also click to open the FILTERS group which allows you to set your own default filter defining what is displayed on this tab, for example you may wish to set it to cases that you created which are currently open.
For further information refer to Searching for a case.
- Grid view, then the View cases screen opens.
- If your case is listed under My recent cases click it to open the Manage case screen.
- If it is not listed under My recent cases then select your case from the table, using the search filters to help locate it if required. Note, by default the search is set to only display cases that you created; if you are not the original creator but an assignee then ensure you set Case filter to Assigned cases before clicking Search.
- Tree view, then the View i-cases screen opens.
- Click at the top-right of the screen to open either the View Cases or Advanced view cases screen and follow the above description.
- Advanced view, then the Advanced view cases screen opens.
On the Manage case screen click New i-case above the Sentinel i-cases group.
The Sentinel i-cases screen opens.
If you prefer to use the wizard to manage all your case details then on the Manage case screen, click Go to wizard, click the Mission setup screen then click Intercept Monitoring (PRTT). Alternatively you can also use the Phone numbers tab on the People and devices screen.
In Intercept monitoring:
In Person name enter the person's names. Although this is optional it is strongly recommended that you structure your i-case to a person and their phone number.
In Phone number enter the country code and the phone number. Although this is optional it is strongly recommended that you structure your i-case to a person and their phone number.
NOTE: If you do not add a Person name but do enter a Phone number then the phone number is automatically used to populate the Person name.
In Operator select the phone number's service provider.
If your administrator has created suffixes for the selected operator then you have the option on which method you use to enter the CASEID (LIID). If not you can only use the manual option. Either:
- Manually enter the CASEID (LIID):
In CASEID (LIID) enter the lawful interception identifier. This is the only mandatory setting, all others are optional although it is strongly recommended that you also enter a person name and phone number.
- In i-case name enter a name for the i-case if you prefer to use a name rather than the CASEID (LIID). This is then used, rather than the CASEID (LIID), on the OSS-ESPA screens and the G-Scout App to identify the i-case.
- Automatically enter the CASEID (LIID):
Select Automatically add LIID by prefix/suffix.
- In Prefix and Suffix, if available, select the ones you want appended to the phone number.
- Manually enter the CASEID (LIID):
In Court authorization info:
Select Locations if your warrant has authorized cell site locations.
Select Post cut thru digits if your warrant has authorized them.
If your intercept monitoring is for wiretaps, then in Content select which types of communication content your warrant has authorized. Note, this setting is not applicable for PRTT.
In Valid From and Valid To, enter the dates that the CASEID (LIID) is approved for. The monitoring will end when the valid to date expires. You can use the date pickers to select the dates. However, if you want the Valid From date as today's date then click Now and if the monitoring is valid for a specified number of days then select the number of days then click +.
NOTE: These dates are optional. If you do enter them and then subsequently extend the warrant you must update these dates otherwise will OSS-ESPA block the data sent by the operators after the Valid To date.
In Court authorization ID enter the search warrant identifier. This is then included in Evidence Management and Reporting.
If your intercept monitoring is for wiretaps, then in Evidence storage and Evidence storage backup, select the paths you want used for archiving the case's Sentinel data. Note, this setting is not applicable for PRTT.
- Click Save. If required you can repeat the above steps to add additional i-cases to the table.
Click Exit.
The Manage case screen opens and the i-case you added is displayed in the Sentinel i-cases group.
When OSS-ESPA receives the first PRTT data from the operator it sends an email to the case creator, case assignees and administrator to notify them that the first alert has been received. The email is titled "First Data <person name> - First Data ALERT".
For the case you want to edit an i-case on, open the Manage case screen.
Need help finding your case?On the main menu click View cases. The screen that opens depends on your setting of View cases. If it is set to:
- Advanced view, then the Advanced view cases screen opens.
- If your case is listed on the Favorite & recent cases tab, click the case name to open the Manage case screen.
- If it is not listed on the Favorite & recent cases tab, then click the Cases tab. Use the search filters to help locate your case. You can also click to open the FILTERS group which allows you to set your own default filter defining what is displayed on this tab, for example you may wish to set it to cases that you created which are currently open.
For further information refer to Searching for a case.
- Grid view, then the View cases screen opens.
- If your case is listed under My recent cases click it to open the Manage case screen.
- If it is not listed under My recent cases then select your case from the table, using the search filters to help locate it if required. Note, by default the search is set to only display cases that you created; if you are not the original creator but an assignee then ensure you set Case filter to Assigned cases before clicking Search.
- Tree view, then the View i-cases screen opens.
- Click at the top-right of the screen to open either the View Cases or Advanced view cases screen and follow the above description.
- Advanced view, then the Advanced view cases screen opens.
On the Manage case screen, in the Sentinel i-cases group click the CASEID (LIID) you want to edit.
The Sentinel i-cases screen opens.
If you prefer to use the wizard to manage all your case details then on the Manage case screen, click Go to wizard, click the Mission setup screen then click Intercept Monitoring (PRTT). Alternatively you can also use the Phone numbers tab on the People and devices screen.
The CASEID (LIID) you want to edit is displayed on the screen, then edit the i-case settings as required.
- Click Save. If required you can repeat the above steps to edit additional i-cases.
Click Exit to return to the Manage case screen.
For the case you want to delete an i-case on, open the Manage case screen.
Need help finding your case?On the main menu click View cases. The screen that opens depends on your setting of View cases. If it is set to:
- Advanced view, then the Advanced view cases screen opens.
- If your case is listed on the Favorite & recent cases tab, click the case name to open the Manage case screen.
- If it is not listed on the Favorite & recent cases tab, then click the Cases tab. Use the search filters to help locate your case. You can also click to open the FILTERS group which allows you to set your own default filter defining what is displayed on this tab, for example you may wish to set it to cases that you created which are currently open.
For further information refer to Searching for a case.
- Grid view, then the View cases screen opens.
- If your case is listed under My recent cases click it to open the Manage case screen.
- If it is not listed under My recent cases then select your case from the table, using the search filters to help locate it if required. Note, by default the search is set to only display cases that you created; if you are not the original creator but an assignee then ensure you set Case filter to Assigned cases before clicking Search.
- Tree view, then the View i-cases screen opens.
- Click at the top-right of the screen to open either the View Cases or Advanced view cases screen and follow the above description.
- Advanced view, then the Advanced view cases screen opens.
On the Manage case screen, click the title Sentinel i-cases.
The Sentinel i-cases screen opens.
In the available i-cases table select the check-box next to the i-case you want to delete then click Delete selected.
Click OK on the confirmation dialog box.
The selected i-cases are deleted from the available i-cases table.
- Click Exit to return to the Manage case screen.